origoni's Blog from Millky

origoni의 스프링 블로그 입니다.


Changes in version 3.1.1 (2012-02-16)

* official support for Hibernate 4.0.0/4.0.1 as well as Hibernate 4.1
* JBossNativeJdbcExtractor is compatible with JBoss AS 7 as well
* restored JBossLoadTimeWeaver compatibility with JBoss AS 5.1
* Provider injection works with generically typed collections of beans as well
* @ActiveProfiles mechanism in test context framework works with @ImportResource as well
* context:property-placeholder's "file-encoding" attribute value is being applied correctly
* clarified Resource's "getFilename" method to return null if resource type does not have a filename
* Resource "contentLength()" implementations work with OSGi bundle resources and JBoss VFS resources
* PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver preserves caching for JNLP (Java Web Start) jar connections
* optimized converter lookup in GenericConversionService to avoid contention in JDK proxy check
* DataBinder correctly handles ParseException from Formatter for String->String case
* CacheNamespaceHandler actually parses cache:annotation-driven's "key-generator" attribute
* introduced CustomSQLExceptionTranslatorRegistry/Registrar for JDBC error code translation
* officially deprecated TopLinkJpaDialect in favor of EclipseLink and Spring's EclipseLinkJpaDialect
* fixed LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean's "packagesToScan" to avoid additional provider scan
* LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean's "persistenceUnitName" applies to "packagesToScan" as well
* DefaultPersistenceUnitManager uses containing jar as persistence unit root URL for default unit
* added protected "isPersistenceUnitOverrideAllowed()" method to DefaultPersistenceUnitManager
* Hibernate synchronization properly unbinds Session even in case of afterCompletion exception
* Hibernate exception translation covers NonUniqueObjectException to DuplicateKeyException case
* Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean implements PersistenceExceptionTranslator interface as well
* Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean does not insist on a "dataSource" reference being set
* added "entityInterceptor" property to Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean
* added "getConfiguration" accessor to Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean
* added "durability" and "description" properties to JobDetailFactoryBean
* fixed QuartzJobBean and MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean for compatibility with Quartz 2.0/2.1
* JMS CachingConnectionFactory never caches consumers for temporary queues and topics
* JMS SimpleMessageListenerContainer silently falls back to lazy registration of consumers
* added "receive-timeout" attribute to jms:listener-container element in JMS namespace
* ServletServerHttpRequest/Response fall back on the Content-Type and encoding of the request
* preserve quotes in MediaType parameters
* added "normalize()" method to UriComponents
* remove empty path segments from input to UriComponentsBuilder
* added "fromRequestUri(request)" and "fromCurrentRequestUri()" methods to ServletUriComponentsBuilder
* Servlet/PortletContextResource's "isReadable()" implementation returns false for directories
* allow adding flash attributes in methods with a ModelAndView return value
* make flash attributes available in the model of Parameterizable/UrlFilenameViewController
* revised the FlashMapManager contract and implementation to address a flaw in its design
* removed check for HTTP POST when resolving multipart request controller method arguments
* fixed request mapping bug involving direct vs pattern path matches with HTTP methods
* updated @RequestMapping and reference docs wrt differences between @MVC 3.1 and @MVC 2.5-3.0
* improved @SessionAttributes handling to provide better support for clustered sessions
* added property to RedirectView to disable expanding URI variables in redirect URL

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