SPRING FRAMEWORK CHANGELOG Changes in version 3.0.6
스프링 프레임워크가 요즘 참 움직임이 없다.
새로운것이 나와도. 내가 바쁘니까 살펴볼 시간도 없긴 하지만...
으으 3.0.6 나왔으니 다시 패키징 해야 해....
이런 문제가 있어서 말이지...
그런데 구차나서 아래처럼 했더니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
우옹 잘 동작한다...
하지만 나중에 다시 패키징 해야해... ㅇㅇ ㅋ 이건 완전 임시방편
그런데 잘보니 3.1에선 해결된 것 같기도...
참 그리고....
Spring Data JPA (http://www.springsource.org/spring-data)
Changes in version 3.0.6 (2011-08-18)
* fixed aspects bundle to declare dependencies for @Async aspect as well
* ProxyCreationContext uses "ThreadLocal.remove()" over "ThreadLocal.set(null)" as well
* DefaultListableBeanFactory is only deserializable through a SerializedBeanFactoryReference
* DefaultListableBeanFactory's getBean(name, type) attempts type conversion if necessary
* DefaultListableBeanFactory allows for init methods to register further bean definitions (again)
* XmlBeanDefinitionReader accepts description subelement within map entry as well (as per the XSD)
* ConfigurationClassPostProcessor supports use of same processor instance with several factories
* fixed potential InjectionMetadata NPE when using SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor
* SpringBeanAutowiringSupport is able to process @Value annotations on any given target instance
* overridden @PersistenceContext annotations on subclass methods are being processed correctly
* BeanDefinitionVisitor now actually visits factory method names
* restored support for String-to-ContextResource conversion
* restored original GenericConversionService behavior with respect to empty collections/maps
* restored original FormattingConversionService behavior with respect to the use of subtypes
* added "formatters" property to FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean
* collection/array conversion returns original collection if possible (instead of first element)
* fixed collection element resolution when using a ConversionService with a DataBinder
* DataBinder uses a default limit of 256 for array/collection auto-growing
* added "autoGrowNestedPaths" property to ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer
* Servlet/PortletRequestDataBinder perform unwrapping for MultipartRequest as well
* fixed AbstractBindingResult to avoid NPE in "hashCode()" if target is null
* fixed several HttpHeaders issues (charset handling, quoting/unquoting)
* SimpleClientHttpRequest uses fixed-length streaming mode (always sets content-length header)
* added "connectTimeout" and "readTimeout" properties to Simple/CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory
* explicit status code in RedirectView respected in HTTP 1.0 compatibility mode
* FormHttpMessageConverter correctly processes POST requests
* ResourceHttpRequestHandler does not set Content-Length header for 304 response
* ResourceHttpRequestHandler detects invalid directory traversal in given path
* LocaleChangeInterceptor validates locale values in order to prevent XSS vulnerability
* HtmlUtils properly escapes single quotes as well
* added support for web.xml context-param "springJspExpressionSupport" (explicit "true"/"false")
* ContextLoader and FrameworkServlet support "contextId" parameter for custom serialization id
* RemoteExporter uses an opaque proxy for 'serviceInterface' (no AOP interfaces exposed)
* added "acceptProxyClasses" flag to RemoteInvocationSerializingExporter
* refined WebLogic RMI descriptor to only mark 'getTargetInterfaceName' method as idempotent
* EhCacheManagerFactoryBean properly closes "ehcache.xml" input stream, if any
* revised JMS CachedConnectionFactory to avoid unnecessary rollback calls on Session return
* fixed JMS CachedConnectionFactory to fully synchronize its Session list
* fixed NamedParameterJdbcTemplate's handling of arrays as query parameters
* fixed JPA 2.0 timeout hints to correctly specify milliseconds
* updated Quartz package to support Quartz 1.8 as well (note: not supporting Quartz 2.0 yet)
* fixed @Rule execution order in SpringJUnit4ClassRunner to match standard JUnit 4 behavior